Monday, March 31, 2008

Praise Book

While we hope that many can join us in Haiti for the celebration we know that in reality only a small percentage will be able to travel for the celebration.

I would like to encourage you to send a E-mail, note, card or letter of encouragement. I'll put these letters in a scrape book or three ring binder and present it to the hospital staff at some point during the weekend.

Bottom photo is of hospital board a few years ago.

I also plan to have some note cards / paper at the celebration for additional notes from those present and the staff.

We want this to be a book full of praise, and thanksgiving honoring the Lord for the work He has done and blessings given over the years of ministry.

If you have photos-of times in Haiti or updates for the staff to see you now-please clearly indicate who is in the photo and as close as you know the year it was taken.

If your a story teller-we'd love to hear stories of past trips and terms of service.

Mail only; no packages please.

Dr. Kris Thede
Unit 1073-WMPM
3170 Airmans Drive
Ft. Pierce, FL 34946-9131

Those of you who wish to send video or DVD greetings-let me know and Dr. Hunter has agreed to bring those down to Haiti mid-June for the celebration.

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