Monday, March 31, 2008

What is planned for the 50th Celebration?

The 50th Celebration of the Wesleyan medical ministry on LaGonve is planned for June 26 -June 29th, with the day before and after as travel days. Events are still in the planning stages so changes are inevitable.

Thursday, June 26

Chapel at 8 a.m.

Service at 6 p.m. "Looking Back-Thanking God for 50 Years of Blessings.

Friday, June 27

Chapel at 8 a.m.

Service at 6 p.m. "Our Changing Role and Present Opportunities of Service

Saturday, June 28

9 a.m. Brunch for past/present employees and missionaries

2 p.m. Dedication Service for New Facilities.

3-5 p.m. Hospital Open House

Sunday, June 29th

a.m. Church.

Members of the staff will be visiting the other churches in town in small groups to thank them for their churches support of the hospital and invite them to the afternoon program.

2 p.m. Celebration Service including music, worship, and message.

Praise, thanksgiving, and the vision of the future will be shared.

During the 'free' times it is anticipated that people will be able to tour other parts of the Wesleyan work on LAG-including the agricultural work, school, ice plant, hospital, as well as visit locations in Anse-a-Galets.

We anticipate hearing many stories of lives changed and touched by the hospital ministry as everyone has a chance to fellowship together.

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