Monday, March 31, 2008

Seriously thinking about coming?

First-let us know that you want to come. Today if possible. If you contact Dr. Kris or Dr. Hunter we will let the other people know who need to know, try to get your questions answers and pass along to you updated information.

Second it would be helpful if we had the following information as soon as possible.

Name (s)

Dates you wish to visit.

Do you want to fly or go by boat to LaGonave?

Do you have any special physical needs? Allergies to foods? Concerns?

Are you comfortable leaving LAG the day of your international flight or do you wish to overnight in Port-au-Prince?

Do you plan to eat all meals at the guest house?

Contact information for you. E-mail, phone, snail mail.

Emergency contact information for someone not coming to Haiti, including phone and E-mail. We will attempt to E-mail this person following your arrival on LaGonave.

Because of the limits of E-mail don't plan on being able to use the computers on the compound. There may be some Internet cafes in town but they are not always reliable. Give your contact person any addresses that you would like to have the "You are on LaGonave" message forwarded to before arriving in Haiti.

Photos Wanted!

We are currently looking for someone to take photos and slides and put them on a DVD that could be shown during the Celebration. If this sounds like a way you could help us-please see the Help Wanted Blog.

For the rest of you who have been to Haiti in the past. Start pulling out those photo albums, and boxes of slides. Enjoy the memories as you sort though the pictures looking for you best ones.

Once we have found someone to put the pictures onto a DVD we will let you know the address. Please let us know your E-mail or snail mail address.

If you want your pictures we will do our best to get them back to you. It would be easiest if you include a self addressed and stamped envelope.

If you wish to donate the pictures please indicate it clearly. The photographers will be placed into the Praise book.(Cory enjoyed this sentence too much to edit it, Kris blames the computer spell-check)

Please clearly label the photographs or slides that you want returned.

Please try to identify the year the picture was taken, the team you were with if applicable, as well as identify any people in the photos.

Help Needed

First we would like to locate a Sunday school class, church, college class or an individual who would would like to take on a media project.

We would ask past missionaries and visitors to send you their best 10-20 pictures or slides from Haiti.

We don't know how many people will respond to this but we hope to get a good number.

We would ask them to enclose a self addressed, stamped envelope if they want their items returned and to clearly mark their items.

Ideally each picture would come with the date it was taken and who is in it.

We would appreciate it greatly if these photos could be put in some kind of order and copied to a DVD. This DVD would then be shown various times throughout the celebration.

Does this sound like fun for anyone? Anyone have any names pop into their heads of a great person who may be willing to tackle this project and do a nice job?

Please let Dr. Kris know.

Praise Book

While we hope that many can join us in Haiti for the celebration we know that in reality only a small percentage will be able to travel for the celebration.

I would like to encourage you to send a E-mail, note, card or letter of encouragement. I'll put these letters in a scrape book or three ring binder and present it to the hospital staff at some point during the weekend.

Bottom photo is of hospital board a few years ago.

I also plan to have some note cards / paper at the celebration for additional notes from those present and the staff.

We want this to be a book full of praise, and thanksgiving honoring the Lord for the work He has done and blessings given over the years of ministry.

If you have photos-of times in Haiti or updates for the staff to see you now-please clearly indicate who is in the photo and as close as you know the year it was taken.

If your a story teller-we'd love to hear stories of past trips and terms of service.

Mail only; no packages please.

Dr. Kris Thede
Unit 1073-WMPM
3170 Airmans Drive
Ft. Pierce, FL 34946-9131

Those of you who wish to send video or DVD greetings-let me know and Dr. Hunter has agreed to bring those down to Haiti mid-June for the celebration.

Committe Leaders

  • Decoration- Miss Angela Lamou

  • Budget/Finance- Fre. Michlet

  • Physical repairs/construction- Met. Rousevelt Michel & Pastor Dan Irvine

  • Public Relations- Fre. Montera

  • Program/Music- Pastor Contave, LaGonave District, Met Lamou

  • Hostess- Miss Creaneas

  • Logistics of supplies- Met Eve

  • Open House Director- Miss Vero

  • Overseeing- Janette, Met. Rousevelt Michel, Dr. Eric Ferdinand

Travel to LaGonave

Please plan to arrive on LaGonave June 25 and leave on June 30 if you would like to participate in all the events and festivities.

Let us know of your plans before purchasing tickets. We may need to make adjustments. If you are traveling on other days-let us know ASAP about pick up times at the airstrip or boat dock on LaGonave so we can try to meet you.

Current plans include chartering an 18 seat Tortue plane to fly to LaGonave. Cost for a seat is approximately $40 US, one way . In order to have time to get on this flight in the early afternoon you should plan to arrive in Haiti no later than 12:30. If we have more than 18 people who would like to take this flight we will look into the possibility of adding a second flight.

If arrangements are made soon there may be the possibility of MAF charters. Each plane can hold 5 people as long as total weight of passengers and baggage is not over 1,000 pounds. A charter from Port-au-Prince is about 20 minutes. The total cost of the chartered plane is $190.

For those thinking about taking the boat you will need to be into Port-au-Prince no later than 11 as you will need to travel a couple hours to the boat dock. There will be one or two boat trips on the mission boat on Wednesday depending on need. Total cost of the chartered mission boat is $120 so individual cost will depend on amount of people. The boat holds about 12 people and individual cost would be $10-15 dollars a piece if the boat is full.

When taking the boat there is also the additional cost of a taxi to and from Port-au-Prince. A small van may run between $80-120. Depending on luggage a van would hold 6 Americans comfortably. We will arrange the taxi pick-up and fit as many as possible to reduce cost per person. The charge for the mission truck is $75 to the boat dock.

Departure Monday, June 30th. There will be a Tortue charter between 8-9 a.m. You should plan an afternoon flight out of Haiti to provide time for the flight and check-in 2 hours prior to your flight. An early boat trip will also be planned.

Please note that some people do not like to plan on an international flight the same day as leaving LaGonave. The weather and other variables can make this a stressful proposition. If you would prefer to overnight in Port-au-Prince please let us know ASAP. We will do our best to help you arrange for overnight accommodations and transportation.

For those coming on other days there is a large ferry that crosses from LaGonave to the mainland in the early mornings. They leave LaGonave around 5:30 a.m. and leave the mainland around 11 or when full. Cost is about $6 a person.

Once we know your interest in attending the 50th Anniversary will add your name to an E-mail update list and send you an visitor information packet. Please feel free to ask questions

Who is invited to the 50th Celebration?

The invitation is open to friends of the LaGonave Wesleyan medical ministry:

  • Prior missionaries to Haiti and their families

  • Past work team leaders or members

  • Supporting organizations

  • Prayer and/or financial partners [past, present and future]

  • Anyone seriously interested in learning more about the LaGonave medical work who wants to be involved.

  • Leaders and members of the Anse-a-Galets community

  • Past employees

  • Leaders of the Wesleyan Church and Global Partners

Some people will be receiving invitations by E-mail or postal mail. We don't have current contact information for everyone nor do we have complete lists of past team members, prayer partners or supporting partners.

Please help us. If you know of anyone who would like to come or should receive an invitation in your opinion please contact Dr. Kris Thede on the comments section of this blog or by E-mail.

Those who can not make the trip but would like to send a message or card. Please read the blog titled "Praise Book". Also Dr. Marilyn Hunter would like to receive video or DVD greetings from people unable to travel to the Celebration. Please contact me for further information.

Where would I stay?

Details about housing will be clarified closer to the actual dates of the celebration.

Some plans are depended on how many people wish to join us on LaGonave for the celebration.

And any one who has been to Haiti will tell you that you need to bring: flexibility, patience and a large sense of humor.

There will be housing for about 25 people on the mission compound. People with special needs will be given priority. Cost will be $20 a day for room and meals.

If additional housing is needed there are local 'hotels' for overflow. The local hotels start about $22 [without meals and only electricity in the evening] and increase to about $85 for air conditioning all night. If you wish to still eat with the others on the compound the cost will be $12 a day.

At this time it is planned that all meals will be provided on the mission compound.
Breakfast: 7 a.m Lunch:12 p.m. Supper: 5 p.m.

The first meal that is planned is supper on Wednesday, June 25.

If at all possible you should plan to arrive on Wednesday and leave Monday, June 30th. Those who are thinking about a different schedule may contact us and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.

If you are thinking about attending the 50th Anniversary please let Dr. Kris Thede know by commenting on this post or E-mail, ASAP. You should hear back in a couple of days and if you don't please contact her again.

What is planned for the 50th Celebration?

The 50th Celebration of the Wesleyan medical ministry on LaGonve is planned for June 26 -June 29th, with the day before and after as travel days. Events are still in the planning stages so changes are inevitable.

Thursday, June 26

Chapel at 8 a.m.

Service at 6 p.m. "Looking Back-Thanking God for 50 Years of Blessings.

Friday, June 27

Chapel at 8 a.m.

Service at 6 p.m. "Our Changing Role and Present Opportunities of Service

Saturday, June 28

9 a.m. Brunch for past/present employees and missionaries

2 p.m. Dedication Service for New Facilities.

3-5 p.m. Hospital Open House

Sunday, June 29th

a.m. Church.

Members of the staff will be visiting the other churches in town in small groups to thank them for their churches support of the hospital and invite them to the afternoon program.

2 p.m. Celebration Service including music, worship, and message.

Praise, thanksgiving, and the vision of the future will be shared.

During the 'free' times it is anticipated that people will be able to tour other parts of the Wesleyan work on LAG-including the agricultural work, school, ice plant, hospital, as well as visit locations in Anse-a-Galets.

We anticipate hearing many stories of lives changed and touched by the hospital ministry as everyone has a chance to fellowship together.

Why celebrate the 50th year of ministry?

Why go through the trouble to plan a 4 day celebration of the 50th year of medical ministry on LaGonave?

  • To honor God and testify to His faithfulness and blessings over the past 50 years

  • To honor the hard work and sacrifices of His faithful servants

  • To inform and educate the community and others about the history, services, and vision for the hospital and medical outreach.

  • To open greater dialog

  • Create a data base of friends and supporters

  • Reconnect with people and fellowship

  • Strengthen and form strategic partnerships

  • Honor past and faithful supporters

  • Develop a network of suppliers and available services

  • Share needs and future plans for hospital improvements

  • Reacquaint employers, missionaries and supporters.

Why does the LAG hospital exist?

This question was asked to some of the employees who are involved in preparations for the celebration of the 50th year of the Wesleyan medical work on LaGonave. Here are their responses.

  • Visible and defining ministry of the Wesleyan Church in Haiti

  • Practical demonstration of God's love and mercy.

  • Obedience to Jesus' commandment to serve those in need.

  • Evangelism

  • Model Christ's own ministry priorities by treating the sick

  • Training and development of people as leaders to benefit and bless both the church and the community.

  • Best source of training and information on LaGonave for health and nutrition.

  • To bless the people of LaGonave.